OperaPassView(储存密码查看器) V1.10 绿色英文版

OperaPassView是一款用于储存在Opera Web浏览器中的密码查看的工具,对Opera Web浏览器密码文件(wand.dat)的内容进行解密,并显示该文件存储在列表中的所有网站密码的密码恢复工具。 您可以轻松地选择一个或多个密码在OperaPassView窗口,然后将其复制到剪贴板中的密码列表,并将其保存到文本/ HTML / XML / CSV文件。
Version 1.10:
Fixed to detect properly the passwords of login.live.com and probably other Web sites.
Added /RawExport command-line option to export Opera wand file into a raw text file (without detecting which fields are the user names and passwords)。 This option is useful when OperaPassView fails to detect the user name / password field properly and displays other fields instead.
Added /LoadWand command-line option to specify the desired wand file to load.
Version 1.05:
Added an option to export the passwords into KeePass csv file (In ‘Save Selected Items’)。 You can use the created csv file to easily import your Web site passwords into KeePass password manager.
Added ‘Remember this file in the next time that you use OperaPassView’ in the Advanced Options window.
Added documentation for command-line options.
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